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The Pit System of Planting of Sugarcane

The pit system of planting is an organic growing technique that has been shown to increase yields in sugarcane crops. The method begins with seed germination in greenhouses to give crops a healthier start. Seedlings are transplanted in circular pits of predetermined dimensions. Norman Uphoff, agronomist at Cornell International Institute for Food and Agriculture in Ithaca, New York, explains that pit planting is part of the Sugarcane Intensification System, a system that teaches sustainable and innovative methods for increasing crop yields while lowering production costs.

  1. Pits

    • Pit methods of planting sugarcane involve placing seedlings in small depressions, or “pits,” in the field. Holes are dug either manually or by using a double pit digger machine or a tractor-mounted auger. The depressions capture storm runoff and help raise water tables in natural ways. Nutrients are concentrated in localized areas, increasing crop yields while lowering production costs. The method also encourages farmers to consider low-cost options for organic mulch. According to Uphoff, the system is a sustainable farming technique that has been used successfully by rice and sugarcane growers throughout the world.


    • Once seedlings are ready to plant, they are spaced 4 to 6 feet apart in rows that are 2 feet wide. Wider spacing allows for better air and sunlight penetration. A combination of organic measures includes composting, which contributes to a heavier crop yield even though fewer plants are used. Farmers make use of materials such as sugarcane trash and manure to prepare the ground for the seedlings, which saves on fertilizer costs. They also use the wider rows for intercropping.


    • Cash crops are planted in between the sugarcane rows. Crops such as beans and potatoes are harvested within 100 days and don't interfere with sugarcane harvests. Corn and wheat work well in areas with arid conditions. Uphoff writes that intercrops reduce weed growth by two-thirds and increase field profits from crop sales. Farmers often plant green crops such as legumes, rye and alfalfa because they replace nutrients in the soil without use of harmful fertilizers, and with the added benefit of reducing fertilizer expenses. The profits from the cash crops help offset the labor costs accrued during transplanting.

    Organic Mulch

    • Composting is a key component of the pit method for growing sugarcane. Mulch improves the moisture capacity in sandy soils and deters the leaching of nutrients. Organic materials decrease erosion and improve microbial effect and soil tilth. Organic mulches reduce pollution from agricultural techniques. There is increasing interest in studying the use of sugarcane trash (bi-product) in combination with other organic mulch substances as the world turns to growing sugarcane as a biofuel.