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How to Add Nutrients to Soil for Grape Vines

Growing grapes can be a challenging but rewarding experience, especially if you make your own wine. Non-vintners can also enjoy grapes in jams and pies. Grapes grow best when the soil pH is between 5.0 and 6.0. To perform well, they also require the addition of soil nutrients each year. When planting grapes, choose a spot with well-draining soil, as standing water will kill your vines.

Things You'll Need

  • 10-6-4 fertilizer
  • Garden spade
  • Garden hose
  • Potassium chloride


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      Add nitrogen to the soil two weeks after planting, using 10 lb. of 10-6-4 fertilizer for every 100 feet of row. Add the same amount each year right when new growth appears in early spring. Mix fertilizer into the topsoil with a garden spade or wash it in with a garden hose. Keep fertilizer 6 to 12 inches from the trunk of the grape vine and spread it evenly

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      Add potassium chloride to the soil after vines begin blooming. Apply 1 to 2 lbs. only via the irrigation system. Apply by hand only if watering or sprinkling is impossible.

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      Apply phosphorus to the soil once every three years. Use a rake to mix it into the soil around the base of the grapevine.

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      Use magnesia if the leaves on your grapevines begin to turn yellow or brown. Apply magnesium sulfate to prevent a magnesium deficiency. Use 2 oz. for young vines or 4 to 8 oz. for mature vines.

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      Apply microelement fertilizers. Be careful and follow application directions for your region, as an overdose can be harmful to your vines.