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How to Germinate California Buckwheat

An evergreen shrub, California buckwheat grows naturally in the dry regions of California, Utah, Arizona and northwestern Mexico. Varieties of California buckwheat can be planted during the summer months anywhere to restore wildfire-scorched earth, prevent erosion, stabilize hillsides, enhance soil quality and provide natural habitats. Insects and birds use the shrub for shelter, and deer eat the plant’s flower clusters. California buckwheat also makes an ideal garden plant because it attracts butterflies, requires little water and blooms from May to October.

Things You'll Need

  • Plastic zipper-sealed bag
  • California buckwheat seeds
  • 5 plant containers, 3-inch
  • Sandy clay loam soil
  • Pencil
  • Spray bottle filled with water


    • 1

      Place seeds in the plastic bag, seal it and refrigerate for one to three days. Doing this mimics the change in seasons, enabling the seeds to experience a brief “winter.”

    • 2

      Fill the plant containers lightly with soil. Avoid compacting the soil, as this will diminish the seed’s ability to germinate.

    • 3

      Poke the surface of the soil with the eraser-end of the pencil four times to create four 1/8-inch-deep holes. Place one seed in each of these holes.

    • 4

      Cover the seeds lightly with soil. Because light assists California buckwheat seeds to germinate, ensure that they are covered with only a thin layer of soil.

    • 5

      Mist the soil surface with water and place the plant containers where they will be exposed to indirect sunlight. Keep the soil moist by misting the surface daily. Seeds should germinate in two weeks.