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How to Grow Egyptian Blue Lotus Indoors

It is the Egyptian blue lotus that is often seen pictured in ancient Egyptian art. Some of the common names for this flower are blue lotus, blue water lily, sacred blue lotus, and blue lily of the Nile. The fragrant blue flower perfumes the air. The flowers are often used to make tea. To the Ancient Egyptians, it was a key to good health, and used as an aphrodisiac. When they opened Pharaoh Tutankhamun’s tomb in 1922, they found the Egyptian blue lotus scattered over his body.

Things You'll Need

  • Lotus container or other container without drainage holes
  • River bottom dirt or special pond mix
  • Fertilizer pond tabs


    • 1

      Fill a 12 to 18 inch diameter pot with river bottom dirt or a special pond soil. Leave the dirt level 4 inches below the rim. The pot should be at least 6 inches deep and without drainage holes. Lotus pots are sold at most garden supply centers, or online.

    • 2

      Place the Egyptian blue lotus tuber on top of the soil. Do this carefully so you do not damage the new shoots. Any damage to the shoots can kill your Egyptian blue lotus.

    • 3

      Cover the tuber with more soil until it is 1 inch deep.

    • 4

      Find a sunny window to place the pot. The tuber will need at least six hours of sunlight each day.

    • 5

      Fill the pot to the rim with dechlorinated water. Keep the water level filled to the rim. Do not allow all the water to evaporate away.

    • 6

      Feed the lotus with fertilizer pond tabs after the leaves are as big as your hand. Apply and use the amount recommended on the label.