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How to Grow Sweet Annie From Gathered Seeds

Artemisia annua, or sweet Annie, is a species of annual herb grown in gardens for its lacy, aromatic foliage and dainty yellow flowers. The flowers emerge atop 4- to 6-foot-tall stalks in summer and later give way to pearllike clusters of seeds, which can be gathered and used to grow new plants. The only challenge when growing sweet Annie from gathered seeds is separating the seeds from their husks, but it is relatively simple to do with the right tools. Once separated, the seeds must be stored in a dry place until early spring, and then sown in containers and kept indoors until after the last frost.

Things You'll Need

  • Mesh colander
  • Hair dryer
  • Plastic bag
  • 4-inch starter pots
  • Medium-grit sand
  • Potting soil
  • Spray bottle


    • 1

      Place the clusters of sweet Annie seeds in a mesh colander. Crush the husks between your fingers to release the seeds. Shake the colander periodically so the seeds, which are heavier than the husks, settle at the bottom.

    • 2

      Set a hair dryer on low. Hold the nozzle 10 to 12 inches from the colander while moving it slowly back and forth to blow the dry, light chaff off the seeds. Keep doing this until all the chaff blows away and only the seeds are left in the colander.

    • 3

      Store the sweet Annie seeds in a plastic bag until early spring, around late February. Keep the seeds away from bright light, warmth and moisture to keep them from spoiling.

    • 4

      Prepare a pot for each sweet Annie plant. Fill 4-inch starter pots with a growing mixture comprised of equal measures of medium-grit sand and potting soil. Use potting soil without added fertilizer.

    • 5

      Sow a pinch of sweet Annie seeds in each pot. Press the seeds firmly onto the surface of the soil. Do not cover or bury them since they require light to properly germinate.

    • 6

      Spritz the sweet Annie seeds with water until the top inch of soil is saturated. Water the seeds with a spray bottle whenever the surface of the soil starts to dry out.

    • 7

      Place the potted sweet Annie seeds in a cool, bright spot indoors such as near an east- or north-facing window in an unheated room. Avoid areas where temperatures rise above 65 degrees Fahrenheit during the day.

    • 8

      Watch for germination in one to two weeks. Thin the sweet Annie seedlings to one per pot as soon as they grow to 3 inches in height.

    • 9

      Move the sweet Annie seedlings to a warm area of the house near a large, well-lighted window until after the last frost in spring, and then plant them in a sunny bed with good drainage.