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Heuchera Creme Brulee Propagation

"Creme Brulee" heuchera (Heuchera "Creme Brulee") adds long-lasting color to garden beds in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 4 through 9 with its bronze foliage and striking red flower stalks. It is a cultivar and will not grow true from seed, so "Creme Brulee" heuchera must be propagated by division. Although the process is fairly simple, division propagation must be correctly timed to ensure the survival of the young plants.
  1. Timing

    • Only mature "Creme Brulee" heuchera plants can be divided because they have the dense, resilient root system needed to survive the process. It can be done every two to three years in spring or fall. Spring division works in every climate, while fall division is a better choice for areas with mild winters and long, dry summers. Make sure the plant is not blooming when you divide it because active flowers will direct the plant's energy away from root production, which may cause the divisions to die before they root.


    • Division is a traumatic process for plants, but preparing them beforehand will help alleviate some of the stress. Watering the "Creme Brulee" heuchera to a 5-inch depth the night before dividing it will hydrate the roots, stems and leaves, which will minimize wilt and dieback following the procedure. Also, it is important to replant the divisions immediately, so prepare a new bed or freshen the old bed before beginning the process to decrease the amount of time the divisions are out of the soil.

    Division Process

    • Although the process is simple, dividing "Creme Brulee" heuchera plants is not always easy due to their tough, fibrous root system. Measure out 4 inches around the base of the plant, then dig down 8 inches using a hand trowel or pointed shovel. Carefully loosen the root ball and lift it from the ground. The center of old heuchera plants is often woody and less vigorous, so cut it out and discard it. Cut the younger outer portion of the plant into equal-sized portions, each with a share of roots and at least three healthy stems. Use a sharp knife to cut through the fibrous roots, but try to avoid using a sawing motion when cutting because it may tear and damage too many roots.

    Planting and Aftercare

    • "Creme Brulee" heuchera plants should be planted in a sunny bed with moist, organically rich soil. Plant the divisions 12 to 18 inches apart with the base of the stems flush with or slightly above the surrounding soil, then spread a 1-inch layer of mulch around the base of each one to keep their roots sheltered and moist. Although they look best when grown in full sun, sunny conditions may cause newly divided heuchera plants to wilt. Keeping the divisions well watered for their first summer in the garden will help minimize heat stress and will improve the survival rate of the divisions. Perform light pruning, as needed, to remove any wilted or diminished stems, but take care not to remove too much foliage growth.