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Substitutes for Verbena Bonariensis

Verbena bonariensis, commonly known as tall verbena, Brazilian vervain and Brazilian verbena, is a drought-tolerant perennial that resists deer and rabbits and is hardy in U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) plant hardiness zones 7 through 9. Its rose-violet, butterfly-attracting blossoms appear from early summer until the first frost and are used as cut flowers. With a height of 2 to 4 feet, Brazilian verbena is just the right choice for the middle of a border and is effective in mass plantings. Because Brazilian verbena is considered an invasive plant in some regions, consider substitutes.
  1. Attract Butterflies

    • Culver’s-root “Erica” (Veronicastrum virginicum “Erica”) and obedient plant “Bouquet Rose” (Physostegia virginiana “Bouquet Rose”) attract butterflies and grow 35 to 47 inches tall. “Erica” begets large spikes covered with light-pink blossoms and is hardy in USDA zones 3 through 9. “Bouquet Rose” puts out deep-pink flowers, spreads quickly and prefers moist soil; it is hardy in USDA zones 2 through 9. Both perennials resist deer and are used en masse and as cut flowers. They blossom from midsummer into early fall.

    Tolerate Drought

    • Butterfly gaura (Gaura lindheimeri) and hybrid mullein “Cherry Helen” (Verbascum “Cherry Helen”) are drought-tolerant perennials that can help you reduce irrigation costs. These perennials fit right into border plantings, grow 35 to 47 inches tall, are used as cut flowers and resist deer. Butterfly gaura displays white flowers tinged with pale pink from June until frost and can be effective planted en masse. The glowing-cherry to plum-red blossoms on “Cherry Helen” flower all summer, and the plant performs best when its faded flowers are removed. Both substitutes for Brazilian verbena are hardy in USDA zones 5 through 9.

    Resist Deer and Rabbits

    • If deer and rabbits raid your garden, try pink bistort “Superba” (Persicaria bistorta “Superba”) or tall speedwell “Sonja” (Veronica “Sonja”). Both perennials are used in flower arrangements, mass plantings and borders, and they attract butterflies. They bloom all summer and grow 23 to 29 inches tall. “Superba” turns out bottle-brush, bright-pink flowers and tolerates wet soil. “Sonja” begets bright, magenta-pink blossoms that attract hummingbirds in addition to butterflies, and it produces the most flowers when its spent flowers are removed.

    Blossom All Summer and into Fall

    • If you want substitutes that blossom all summer and into fall, consider planting globe thistle (Echinops ritro) and shrubby wallflower “Bowles’ Mauve” (Erysimum “Bowles’ Mauve”). Just like Brazilian verbena, these plants resist deer, attract butterflies, are used as border plants and enliven bouquets. Globe thistle displays deep-blue flowers that can be added to dry flower arrangements or left on the plant to provide winter interest. It is hardy in USDA zones 2 through 9 and resists rabbits as well as deer. “Bowles’ Mauve” displays fragrant, purple flowers from mid-spring into mid-fall and is hardy in USDA zones 6 through 9. Shear this evergreen plant in midsummer for the best results.