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When to Divide Stargazer Lily Bulbs

The stargazer lily is an Asiatic variety that grows from a bulb root system. These bulbs grow in a clump form that requires occasional division to prevent overgrowth. Stargazer lilies respond best to fall or spring division, but it is possible to divide them during the summer growing season if you are careful.

  1. Fall Season

    • The fall season is a common time to divide stargazer lilies and does not disrupt the growing season. Dividing the plant involves digging the bulbs from the soil, making sure to dig at least 12 inches deep and about 6 inches from the plant stems to remove all the bulbs without damage. Wait to dig the bulbs until after the blooms fade, petals fall off and the stem begins to turn yellow. This gives the plant enough time to finish the growing season and store energy in the bulbs for winter survival. Sort through all the bulbs and discard any that appear diseased or have damage.

    Spring Season

    • Divide the stargazer lily in early spring if you did not get to this task after the growing season in fall. Remove the bulbs from the soil as soon as the ground begins to warm, before the sprouts appear through the soil. Waiting until the plant begins to sprout shoots may stunt growth, snap off the tender shoots or damage the bulbs. Dig at least 6 inches from the growing area and a minimum of 12 inches deep to remove all the bulbs without piercing through them with the shovel. Sort through the bulbs so you can discard any that are damaged or have signs of rot from the winter.

    Summer Season

    • Summer transplanting is possible with stargazer lilies, but it requires caution to prevent damaging the plant. Stargazer lilies are in full bloom during the summer months, which lets you judge the mature plant size for spacing the divided tubers. Hold the plant stem carefully while digging the tuber to prevent damaging the plant. Dig one bulb at a time, using the plant stem to judge the bulb location under the ground. Stargazer bulbs pull apart easily. Dig about 12 inches into the soil and gently pull the bulb from the planting area.


    • Keep a gardening journal and make a notation with the date and year that you planted the stargazer lily. Add in the date and year each time you divide the plant to avoid frequent disruptions that limit growth. Avoid dividing stargazer lilies more frequently than every three or four years. SIgns that the lilies require division include overcrowding or stems with reduced flower growth.