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How to Grow Purple Lupines

Purple lupines are perennials that boast vibrant, erect bloom clusters during spring. They grow from 1 to 2 feet tall and have splayed foliage made up of thin, bright green leaves. Purple lupine thrives in full sun, though the plants appreciate light shade in areas with very warm spring and summer temperatures. They do well in most soils with effective drainage. Sow purple lupine seeds into a prepared garden site because the delicate seedlings may not survive being transplanted.

Things You'll Need

  • Glass container
  • Garden fork or tiller
  • Mulch
  • General-purpose organic fertilizer
  • Pruning shears


    • 1

      Place the purple lupine seeds into a glass container. Pour boiling water over them and allow them to soak for 24 hours. Soaking should be done just before planting the seeds.

    • 2

      Prepare the planting site by cultivating the soil to a depth of 20 inches with a garden fork or tiller. Discard all large clumps of vegetation and bust up large pieces of soil.

    • 3

      Plant the purple lupine seeds 1/8 inch deep, and add enough water to lightly moisten the soil. The seeds will germinate in approximately 10 days.

    • 4

      Keep the soil lightly moist until the seeds sprout. Water when the top 1/2 inch of soil feels dry after the seedlings emerge to reduce the risk of root rot.

    • 5

      Place 3 inches of mulch around the plants to discourage weeds and protect the purple lupine's root system.

    • 6

      Feed monthly, from spring until the end of summer, with general-purpose organic fertilizer. Consult package directions to determine exactly how much to apply.

    • 7

      Clip off faded flowers promptly to extend the blooming season.

    • 8

      Trim winter-damaged foliage back to soil level in very early spring.