Home Garden

How to Germinate Meconopsis Cambrica Seed

Meconopsis cambrica, commonly called the Welsh poppy, peppers the springtime garden with silky, golden flowers. The bright colors of the Welsh poppy add the feeling of sunny warmth to your home, whether grown indoors or out. Meconopsis is notorious for its finicky germination, but Meconopsis cambrica is one of the more forgiving varieties of this flower. Store Welsh poppy seeds in the refrigerator to break their dormancy and encourage germination.

Things You'll Need

  • Compost
  • Sealed container or bag
  • 3-inch pots


    • 1

      Fill a seed-starter tray or small container with well-drained compost. Sprinkle the Welsh poppy seeds over the compost.

    • 2

      Cover the seeds with a thin layer of compost. Seal the tray in a larger container or plastic bag. Put the Welsh poppy seeds in the refrigerator.

    • 3

      Spray the surface of the compost with water periodically so it never dries out. Alternatively, place the seed tray or container in a shallow tray of water.

    • 4

      Check the Welsh poppy seeds for germination after two weeks. If germination has occurred, remove the seeds from the refrigerator. If no seeds germinated, leave the container in the refrigerator for several months, checking for germination every week.

    • 5

      Place the tray containing newly sprouted Welsh poppy seedlings in a cool spot between 50 and 59 degrees Fahrenheit. Transplant Welsh poppy seedlings when two or three true leaves appear. Put the seedlings in 3-inch containers and water from the bottom to avoid damaging the plants.