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How to Prune Dracaena Tarzan Plants

Dracaena is a species of evergreen tropical plant, most commonly seen in the United States as an indoor plant in homes and public spaces. "Tarzan" is a newer variety of the plant bred by Donald E. Broyles, Jr. and patented in 2003. "Tarzan" is distinguished from other dracaena cultivars by a noticeably upstanding form, a thin central trunk and dark green leaves that have a shiny finish and deep purple leaf edges. Caring for "Tarzan" is similar to other dracaena cultivars. The plant is very forgiving of even drastic pruning, when necessary, due to a pronounced ability to renew itself, according to the University of Illinois.

Things You'll Need

  • Sharp, clean household scissors
  • Pruning shears


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      Snip off any individual dead or discolored leaves or those that are so sun scorched or weak looking as to mar the attractiveness of the plant. Remove the leaves down to the main stem, being careful to cut just the leaf at its base and not nick the skin of the trunk.

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      Trim off any small portions of the leaf tips that have become discolored or dessicated due to low humidity or high heat. Use your scissors to recreate the natural taper and point of the foliage tips so your grooming handiwork is not noticeable. This technique will keep the plant looking its best without losing entire leaves that are otherwise healthy.

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      Rejuvenate a defoliated and/or overgrown central stem by severing the trunk at the new desired height and awaiting the development of new leaves to restore the plant canopy. Keep light, water and fertilizer care consistent unless the defoliation was caused from lack of bright, indirect sun. If so, improve light conditions.