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How to Care for the Dropmore Catmint

Dropmore catmint forms large clumps of fragrant, grayish-green foliage. Sweet-smelling catmint doesn’t attract cats, but butterflies and bees love the pretty lavender blooms. All members of the catmint family are easy to care for and tolerate a wide range of conditions, including heat and drought. Organic gardeners often employ dropmore catmint as a companion plant for its beneficial insect-repellent properties. Some people make medicinal teas from the blooms and leaves, and add young leaves and tender shoots to sauces and soups. Others just love its undemanding, clumping habit and beauty in sunny borders and mass plantings.

Things You'll Need

  • Organic mulch such as compost or well-rotted manure
  • Clean, sharp shears


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      Plant dropmore catmint in fertile, well-draining spot in full sun. This plant will also tolerate partially shaded areas.

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      Apply a thin layer of organic mulch such as compost or well-rotted manure to dropmore catmint beds early in the season before new growth begins. This will provide all the nutrition these plants need for the season. Mulching also serves to retain soil moisture and goes a long way toward weed control.

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      Pinch new tips from first-year catmint plants to encourage branching and a denser growth habit.

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      Water new catmint plantings enough to evenly moisten the soil until they are well established. Don’t allow them to dry out completely during their first growing season, but don’t water enough to make the soil soggy or wet. Thereafter, water only if the soil becomes dry.

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      Harvest tender shoots and leaves for herbal use when dropmore catmint begins blooming.

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      Deadhead dropmore catmint in late summer right after the blooms fade. Clip the stems off just below the dead flowers with clean, sharp shears. This will encourage the plant to produce more blooms in the fall.

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      Trim the spent flowers immediately following the final bloom flush of the season.

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      Cut dropmore catmint plants back by half in late fall.

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      Prune the catmint back to the ground in early spring before new growth emerges.