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How to Plant Agrostis Hyemalis

Also known as tickle grass, Agrostis hyemalis is a perennial grass native to the U.S. This grass is not fussy about where it grows. In fact, it commonly forms a carpet of green along roadsides, bogs, streams and seashores. Meadows and forest floors are also no strangers to the tickle grass plant. If you are looking for a hardy, yet decorative, grass to accent your flower garden or water feature, Agrostis hyemalis is your plant.

Things You'll Need

  • Shovel
  • Soil kit
  • Lime
  • Garden hose
  • Mulch


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      Break up the soil into large chunks with a shovel to prepare your planting area for planting. Test the soil pH afterward with a soil kit. Although tickle grass can grow just about anywhere, your best chance for transplanting success is in soil with a pH between 5.5 and 7.5.

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      Read the results of the soil test and amend the soil if necessary. A soil pH below 5.5 requires lime to reduce the acidity. Follow the instructions on the lime’s packaging label in regards to allocation amounts and application methods.

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      Dig a hole large enough to accommodate the plant’s root ball after the final winter thaw. Remove the tickle grass from its nursery container and set the root ball in the hole. Backfill the hole and tamp the soil down around it.

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      Soak the soil 1 inch deep with water from a garden hose. Maintain moist soil for the Agrostis hyemalis’ first growing season. Once the tickle grass establishes itself in the soil, it only needs watering during droughts.

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      Spread a 2- to 3-inch layer of pine needles, leaf litter or bark mulch around the perennial grass to protect the roots during the winter. Mulching also reduces weed growth around your plants.