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How to Germinate Miscanthus

In the world of ornamental grasses, the 17 in the Miscanthus genus are among the most commonly grown. Two of these, M. sinensis and M. sacchariflorus are considered invasive weeds. The remaining 15 are beloved for their winter hardiness and drought tolerance. Miscanthus bears tall, fluffy flowering stalks above upright growing foliage. Depending on species, the grass grows to heights from 3 to 18 feet. Miscanthus seeds are easy to germinate and, under ideal conditions, may be planted in the garden within eight weeks of germination.

Things You'll Need

  • Germination container
  • Soilless seed germination mix
  • Spray bottle


    • 1

      Prepare a germination container for the Miscanthus seeds. A nursery flat is ideal if you're planting a lot of seeds, otherwise use a pot. Fill it with a commercial planting mix labeled as “seed starting” mix. Ensure that there is no soil in the mix.

    • 2

      Water the germination mix until it is completely saturated and allow it to drain until it is moist.

    • 3

      Place the Miscanthus seeds on the surface of the mix and spray them with tap water.

    • 4

      Place the Miscanthus seeds in an area with bright light, but out of direct sun. It's important to keep the seeds moist during germination, so spray them periodically with water. The seeds typically germinate within two to four weeks.

    • 5

      Move the germination container to the refrigerator if the Miscanthus seeds don't germinate within four weeks. Allow them to remain there for an additional two to four weeks, keeping the soil moist, and then move them back to the brightly lit area. Certain Miscanthus species, such as sinensis, may need a period of cold before they germinate.