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How to Grow Pink Pampas Grass From Seed

Pink pampas grass is a showy, fast-growing ornamental grass that reaches heights of 6 to 8 feet at maturity, plus an additional 2 to 3 feet of feathery pink plumes that appear in late summer and autumn. Allow plenty of space, because a clump of pink pampas grass spreads to widths of about 8 feet. Pink pampas grass is easy to plant by seed and takes root readily, but should be planted with care because it can become invasive.

Things You'll Need

  • 1-gallon plastic milk jug
  • Paring knife
  • Potting soil
  • Plastic bag
  • Rubber band


    • 1

      Save an empty 1-gallon plastic milk jug. Rinse the jug thoroughly so no trace of milk remains.

    • 2

      Remove the bottom one-third from the jug, using a paring knife or a craft knife. Reserve the bottom of the jug and discard the top.

    • 3

      Make several small slits in the bottom and lower sides of the jug, using the tip of the knife.

    • 4

      Fill the jug with commercial potting mixture.

    • 5

      Water the potting mixture thoroughly. Set the container aside to drain until the potting mixture is moist but not soggy.

    • 6

      Scatter a packet of pink pampas grass seeds on top of the soil. Sprinkle the seeds with a thin layer of soil no more than 1/16 inch deep. Alternatively, press the seeds lightly into the soil.

    • 7

      Cut four or five small slits on each side of a large plastic bag.

    • 8

      Slide the jug into the bag. Seal the bag with a rubber band or twist tie.

    • 9

      Place the carton in a protected spot outdoors. Leave the pampas grass seeds alone until spring.

    • 10

      Enlarge the holes in the top of the plastic bag when the pampas grass seedlings are about 1 inch tall, usually in late spring or early summer. Enlarge the holes a little more every week for three weeks.

    • 11

      Dig a hole in a well-drained spot where the pink pampas grass will be exposed to full or partial sunlight.

    • 12

      Cut the milk carton carefully to remove the pampas grass, then place the pampas grass in the hole. Plant the grass at the same soil depth it was planted in the container. Pat the soil firmly around the roots.

    • 13

      Water the pampas grass thoroughly after planting, and then keep the soil moist for the first three to four weeks, or until healthy new growth appears. After that time, provide the plant with about an inch of water every week during dry weather.