Home Garden

How to Prune Texas Gold Columbine

Texas Gold is one of the few varieties of columbine that thrives in the heat and humidity of the deep South. The large, graceful, butter-yellow flowers bloom all spring, but once the flowers fade the foliage begins to look a little ragged and needs trimming to restore the plant to a neat, groomed appearance. Deadheading, or removing dead or faded flowers, is the only other pruning Texas Gold columbine needs.

Things You'll Need

  • Scissors or hand pruners


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      Remove the flowers when they begin to fade by pinching the stem below the blossom between your thumbnail and finger or by clipping them off with scissors or hand pruners. This keeps the plant looking neat and prevents seed pods from forming. Seed pods produced by Texas Gold columbine produce inferior plants.

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      Cut the plant back to half its height when it no longer produces new flower buds. You may see a second flush of blooms after this type of pruning.

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      Cut the plants back to 6 inches above the ground if they are overgrown, leggy or need renovation.