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The Best High Traffic Grass Seed

Selecting the right grass variety for any area depends upon a lot of factors. The amount of traffic the lawn will be subjected to is just as important to consider as the growing considerations, shade and temperature tolerance and required maintenance. Common high traffic areas include sports fields, busy parks, lawns for homes with small children and pets and other areas of the landscape which encounter a lot of two-legged or four-legged traffic.
  1. Bermudagrass

    • Bermudagrass (Cynodon spp.) is one the primary grass varieties used in lawns, golf courses, sports fields and parks, according to the Texas A&M Extension site. The warm season perennial grass that spreads vigorously by seed, stolons or rhizomes is well adapted to growing in areas of heat and full sun. Seeded and hybrid varieties are resistant to wear and traffic. Bermudagrass has a gray-green color and a coarse texture. The grass calls for moderate levels of maintenance and has low water requirements. Both seeded and hybrid varieties of Bermudagrass tolerate drought and salinity. Bermudagrass is not suited to growing in shade and cold temperatures.

    Kentucky Bluegrass

    • Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis) is a native grass of Europe and northern Asia and has a good tolerance for wear with the ability to rapidly repair worn and damaged areas with its vigorously growing underground rhizomes. Kentucky bluegrass seed works well in combination with perennial ryegrass for improved disease resistance and turf color. The grass is cool season and performs best during the cooler temperatures of winter, fall and spring with a slowed growth in warmer temperatures. Kentucky bluegrass prefers areas of sun but has some tolerance for shade. The dark green grass produces a medium textured, thick turf and has an average level of tolerance for drought.


    • The University of California Extension notes that zoysiagrass (Zoysia spp.) has a very high level of tolerance for heat, drought and heavy traffic. Zoysiagrass seeds are slow to germinate and establish. Once established, the warm season grass spreads with rhizomes and stolons, producing a dense, uniform turf. Zoysiagrass is low maintenance with low water requirements and resists pests. The grass grows best in areas of shade but displays a moderate shade tolerance. The new varieties of Zoysia seed are also popular in high traffic areas and have a faster establishment rate. These include emerald, El Toro and Victoria.