Home Garden

How to Grow Peanuts in a Tire

Peanuts are not a nut; they are actually a legume, a member of the bean and pea family. Peanuts do not grow from seeds, as one might expect. Peanuts grow from other peanuts, those that have not been steamed, roasted or processed in any other way. Peanuts, like potatoes, can grow inside a framework of tires. Tires are used to contain crops and sometimes to increase production. When growing peanuts in used tires, output is not increased, but they can effectively contain the spreading crop.

Things You'll Need

  • Old tires
  • Saw (optional)
  • Sandy garden soil
  • Compost
  • Green, unprocessed peanuts
  • Bonemeal (optional)
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  1. Prepare for Planting

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      Locate and purchase green peanuts; only unprocessed peanuts will grow. These are sometimes available at the grocery store or at home and garden centers.

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      Choose a sunny location. Peanuts grow best with heat and sunshine. Remove weeds and rocks from the area where the tires will be placed.

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      Cut old tires away from the rim with a saw.

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      Place the tires, 2 high, on the prepared area.

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      Fill tires with a mixture of sandy soil and organic compost. Layer the bottom with organic compost and the top with sandy garden soil.

    Planting and Care

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      Plant the peanuts 7 inches apart. A layer of bonemeal can make peanuts produce more abundantly. Top with a thin layer of organic mulch.

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      Water thoroughly. Do not water again until growth appears.

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      Top with another layer of sandy soil when plants are 4 inches high. This encourages more root growth.

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      Harvest peanuts by digging them from the soil. Peanuts develop on pegs, growing from the blooms. After flowers are pollinated peanuts grow downward into the soil, to a depth of 2 to 3 inches. Peanut crops take 100 to 150 days until maturity. Remove the whole plant and hang it upside down after harvesting, with peanuts attached, until dry.