Home Garden

How Long Does it Take a Mushroom Mini Box to Grow Mushrooms?

Growing mushrooms at home is a fun project that kids especially will enjoy. You can point with pride at the first crop and tell others that you grew them yourself. There are indoor and outdoor kits for growing a wide variety of mushrooms. While timing and techniques vary for different types of mushrooms, most kits are generally ready for harvesting in less than one month.
  1. Lion's Mane Mushroom Kit

    • Lion's mane mushrooms can start "fruiting" and producing mushrooms within one to two weeks, with visible signs of growth within the first week. A kit for lion's mane will include a small wooden log or a small block of wood that has been inoculated with mycelium to grow the mushrooms. Lion's mane mushrooms are as good to look at as they are to eat. They grow to about the size of a baseball and have lots of tooth or icicle-like edible growth, hence the name "Lion's Mane." They also are known as Monkey's Heads and Bear's Heads.

    Oyster Mushroom Kit

    • Oyster mushroom kits also contain a small log or block of wood. Oyster logs are inoculated with plugs that contain the mycelium. An oyster mushroom log has to be shocked to start the growth process. This involves immersing the log in cold water for 24 to 48 hours. The log is then placed in a spot outdoors that receives shade and covered with plastic to generate humidity. Within one to three weeks the log should sprout oyster mushrooms. There also are indoor kits for growing oyster mushrooms in one to three weeks on pasteurized straw. Instructions vary from kit to kit.

    Shitake Mushroom Kit

    • Several types of kits for growing shitake mushrooms are available. Some are based on growing the mushrooms on logs and others on a sawdust substrate. In general, shitakes will start fruiting and sprouting in about one to three weeks. Like lion's mane, log kits require a 24- to 48-hour cold water "shocking." When the shitake top measures 3 to 4 inches in width, cut (and not pick) the mushroom from the log. Cutting versus picking will produce more crops of shitake mushrooms.

    Button Top Mushrooms

    • Button top mushroom kits are a good for beginners. Most kits are indoor types that include a tray, not a log, for growing. This makes it easier to adapt to the idea of growing mushrooms and the process can be more conveniently monitored. The kit tray should be kept in a room that doesn't get lots of direct sunlight, such as a closet, garage or perhaps a laundry room. In some cases, the box the kit was delivered in doubles as the growing tray. Most kits have a "pre-cooked" compost substrate so that only on a casing substance will need to be sprinkled on it and misted it every two to three days so that the mycelium will grow. Within two to three weeks, a crop of button tops mushrooms will be ready to harvest and put on a pizza or salad.