Home Garden

Harvesting Wild Lion's Mane Mushrooms

Knowing when to harvest lion's mane mushrooms enables you to enjoy the lobsterlike flavor to its fullest when cooked. The long, downward spines gives this mushroom its name. It is also known as hedgehog, pompom and bearded tooth mushroom, as noted by the University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service. These mushrooms are delicious steamed, broiled, fried or in casseroles.

Things You'll Need

  • Sharp knife
  • Soft mushroom brush
  • Ventilated container
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      Wait approximately one and a half months to harvest lion's mane mushrooms that you grow at home. Those found in nature may take a few or up to 10 months to be ready for harvest.

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      Look for long spines on the mushrooms to know when they are ready for harvest. If the mushroom top is yellow or pink instead of white, it is past its prime. Another sign that it is too mature is a soft top.

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      Remove the lion's mane mushroom with extreme care. Use a sharp knife to cut it at the base. This type bruises quickly. Damaging the spines makes it susceptible to bacteria.