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How to Grow Mushrooms in New York

Parts of New York can get quite humid, particularly in the summer months, and this climate is ideal for growing mushrooms. If you'd rather not wait until summer to grow mushrooms, you can create the conditions needed for mushrooms to thrive by growing in your greenhouse or, if you don't have the luxury of a greenhouse, a small humidity tent. With the proper equipment and gardening know-how, you can easily grow mushrooms anywhere in New York.

Things You'll Need

  • Humidity tent
  • Greenhouse
  • Straw
  • Large stock pot
  • Water
  • Mushroom spawn
  • Plastic wrap
  • Knife or razor


    • 1

      Fill your stockpot with enough water to cover the straw and bring it to a boil.

    • 2

      Dump the straw into the boiling water and cook it down until the straw is soft, almost mushy, but still retains its shape.

    • 3

      Take the straw out of the water and pile it on top of a length of plastic wrap. You need enough plastic wrap to roll the straw into a tight log.

    • 4

      Allow the straw to cool down so you can handle it. Combine the mushroom spawn with the straw.

    • 5

      Form the straw into a tight log and wrap it with the plastic wrap. Use a knife or razor to make slits in the plastic wrap.

    • 6

      Place the log in a warm, dark place. If you have a greenhouse, place the log in a dark part of the greenhouse. If you don't have a greenhouse, you'll need to buy a humidity tent to grow your mushrooms. Don't water your mushrooms until you see a fuzzy, white substance growing in the straw.

    • 7

      Water the straw after the white substance starts forming and keep the straw moist until you're ready to harvest the mushrooms. Mushrooms need lots of moisture to thrive, so keep the log in the humidity tent and water it often. Depending on the species of mushroom, you may be able to harvest in as little as one week.