Home Garden

Reishi Mushroom Cultivation

Native to China, the reishi mushroom has been a staple of Chinese folk medicine for more than 2,000 years. According to the Iowa State University Extension, recent scientific tests demonstrate that this exotic mushroom does, in fact, have medicinal properties. Reishi mushrooms show potential for boosting the body's ability to fight abnormal cells--such as the type that cause cancer. Although reishi mushrooms grow more slowly than many other varieties, if you're patient, you can raise your own crop of reishi mushrooms in as little as six months.

Things You'll Need

  • Hardwood log
  • Water
  • Shovel
  • 5/16-inch drill bit
  • Power drill
  • Reishi mushroom spore plugs
  • Mallet
  • Cheese wax
  • Sponge


    • 1

      Cut a log from a hardwood species of tree, such as an oak or maple tree. Your log should measure 40 inches in length and be approximately 3 to 6 inches in diameter. You can purchase a hardwood log rather than cutting your own, but be sure the log has been freshly cut and lacks any signs of decay.

    • 2

      Soak the log in water for 24 hours. The water penetrates the log, giving it the moisture it needs to promote the growth of your reishi mushroom spores. Allow the log two to three days to partially dry out.

    • 3

      Dig a hole measuring the same length as your log, but only half as deep as its diameter. Place the log in the hole. The top half of the log should be visible above ground while the bottom half should be buried beneath the surface. This allows your log to absorb moisture from the soil.

    • 4

      Fit a 5/16-inch drill bit onto your power drill. Beginning 2 inches from the end of the log, drill 1-inch deep holes at 6-inch intervals. Stop the row of holes 2 inches from the other end of the log. If you drill more than one row of holes, leave at least 2 inches of space between each row.

    • 5

      Place your reishi mushroom spore plugs into the holes. Tap the spore plugs with a mallet until each plug lies flush with the bark.

    • 6

      Melt the cheese wax. Use a sponge to dab the hot cheese wax over the top of each spore plug. The wax further seals in moisture.

    • 7

      Water the log often enough to keep it moist. Watering times vary greatly depending on your climate and the location of your log. The log will begin producing reishi mushrooms in six months to two years.