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How to Prepare Oak Logs for Growing Shiitake Mushrooms

Shiitake mushrooms are the second most popular mushroom in the world, after common button mushrooms. Native to Asian countries, shiitakes are popular for both cooking and medicinal uses. When properly cultivated, shiitakes will grow in a variety of climates, provided the right hardwoods are used and proper care is taken to retain moisture. Growers in Western countries -- including university extension services across the United States -- have successfully grown large crops of shiitakes to satisfy domestic consumers. A cord of hardwood can produce significant amounts of shiitakes over a three-year period.

Things You'll Need

  • Oak logs
  • Chainsaw
  • Drill
  • Shiitake spawn
  • Paraffin wax


    • 1

      Select the right species of oak. Experts recommend red or white oak for the best results, although other species of hardwood are acceptable.

    • 2

      Cut live trees during winter dormancy. Shiitake mushrooms thrive on carbohydrates, which are at their peak levels during dormancy. Additionally, the lack of running sap during cold months ensures that the bark does not slip and cause moisture loss.

    • 3

      Choose tree sections with healthy bark and diameters of approximately 6 inches. Diameters that range from 3 to 8 inches are most often recommended to supply the necessary moisture and carbohydrates needed.

    • 4

      Cut logs into sections that are ideally no less than 3 feet in length. The sections shouldn't be more than 4 feet in length, however. Straight sections with even, smooth cuts are best.

    • 5

      Drill holes that are approximately 1 to 2 inches deep in a staggered or diamond pattern along the length of each log. Use drill bits equal to the size of the spawn dowels or as recommended by spawn suppliers.

    • 6

      Insert the spawn dowels into the drilled holes. Seal the holes completely with hot paraffin wax to lock in moisture and prevent infection with other bacteria or fungi.