Home Garden

Mushroom Cultivation Tools

Edible mushrooms may be eaten raw, marinated and roasted, or chopped and tossed into a salad. They are a valuable and versatile addition to any kitchen. As long as you have the right tools, mushrooms can be grown in the home like many other edibles.

  1. Logs

    • Logs provide the mushrooms with both a place to grow and the nutrients that they need. Mother Earth News suggests new oak logs that were cut in the early spring or fall. The logs must be living when they are cut. They maybe be any size, so cut a size that you are comfortable with handling and pulling around. Ideally, the logs are cut and then inoculated with the mushroom spores immediately.


    • Use a drill to put small holes in the log. The holes are filled with mushroom spores, also known as spawn. Use a 7/16 inch drill bit to put the holes into the log.

    Innoculation Tool

    • An inoculation tool is a syringe that is used to inject the mushroom spores into the hole in the log. They can be purchased individually from mushroom supply sites, but they also come in kits that include all the tools for mushroom growing.


    • Wax is used to seal the spores into the log and also to prevent invasive spores and bacteria from getting in. Cheese wax is often used, as is beeswax or even candle wax.

    Heat Source

    • Use a heat source to warm the wax until it is liquid. The heat ensures that the wax is soft enough to get into every nook and cranny, ensuring a tight seal for the mushroom spores. Depending on where you are growing the mushrooms, a hot plate, a crock pot or even a small fire may be used to warm your wax.

    Paint Brush

    • Use a paint brush to dab hot wax over each hole in the log. The paint brush forces the wax into the crevices of the log and helps seal in the mushroom spores.

    Water Source

    • As the mushrooms are growing, the log needs to be kept moist. Use a hose to spray down the inoculated logs regularly or use a sprinkler to prevent the logs from becoming dehydrated.