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Can Sawdust From Linden Americus Grow Mushrooms?

There are mushrooms that will grow in Linden Americus sawdust. Linden sawdust, or other hardwood sawdust, can also be used as a substrate to retain the correct moisture levels in the mushroom-growing process. Linden leaves can also be used.

  1. Sawdust as Growth Medium

    • Oyster Mushrooms

      Linden or other hardwood sawdust can be used as a medium to grow mushrooms. This is most effective when the sawdust is mixed with other growth media such as bran, flour, coffee grinds and straw. The mixture should be sterilized before the spore is introduced. Oyster mushrooms adapt readily to logs made from a sawdust-based growth medium.

    Sawdust as Substrate

    • Wild mushrooms.

      Another use for linden sawdust in mushroom cultivation is as a substrate to maintain environmental moisture conditions. In order to do this the sawdust should be evenly wet but not dripping. Pack it into plastic bags, close the tops and perforate along the surface of the bag. Pack these bags into the base of your growing container, then layer the growth medium on top. The holes in the bag will allow for the absorption of excess moisture and its gradual release as needed.

    Linden Leaves & Sawdust

    • Forest leaves can also go into the growth mix.

      Linden leaves can also be used in the growth mixture for mushrooms. These mixtures are generally compost of stable manure and sawdust combined with leaves, straw, and soil. Oak leaves are considered preferable, however, as linden leaves decay quickly.