Home Garden

DIY Growing Mushrooms the Easy Way

Growing your own mushrooms is not difficult and can be accomplished by a novice gardener. A reliable supply of mushroom spawn plugs is essential to the process. The spawn plugs can be found at specialty nurseries. Mushrooms grow on a substrate, usually a wooden log, and derive their nutrition from that substrate. The main body of the growing mushroom is not visible, and it contains mycelium threads that travel through the substrate and break down organic materials.

Things You'll Need

  • 40 oyster mushroom spawn plugs
  • 5-foot-long oak log, cut during the winter
  • Electric drill
  • Rubber mallet
  • Paraffin wax
  • Small new paintbrush
  • Saucepan
  • Mister bottle


    • 1

      Create in the log 40 evenly spaced, 2-inch deep holes, with a diameter of 1/4 inch, with the electric drill.

    • 2

      Pound the mushroom spawn plugs into the holes with the rubber mallet.

    • 3

      Melt the paraffin wax in the saucepan.

    • 4

      Dip the paintbrush in the wax and apply wax over each plug, completely covering the plug to protect the mushroom spawn.

    • 5

      Position the log in a spot outdoors in a shaded location that is protected from wind.

    • 6

      Mist the spawn plugs with water each day. Mushroom production should begin in less than a week.