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Pearl Oyster Mushroom Growing Habitats

Pearl oyster mushrooms are a coveted wild edible mushroom having a similar appearance and taste to sea creatures known as oysters. They have adapted to a wide range of habitat stretching from Canada to the tropics of South Florida.

  1. Location

    • Pearl oyster mushrooms (Pleurotus ostreatus) have a growing range that encompasses forested environments from cool mountains to very warm tropical regions.


    • Deciduous hardwood tree logs can host pearl oyster mushrooms and willow trees are a favorite substrate in which the pearl oyster mushroom grows. In tropical regions, they are found growing on palm tree logs.


    • Mycelium that penetrates dead logs grows from spores of the oyster mushroom and requires moist environments. They favor areas of high humidity such as banks by a stream or the rainy seasons of the tropics. A 10-degree drop in temperature for a 12-hour duration can force the mushrooms into producing a fruiting body ripe for picking.


    • Oyster mushrooms can be found growing on willow trees.

      Oyster mushrooms are more abundant during cool weather of the spring and fall.