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How to Plant a Lemon Tree in a Pot

Lemon trees are easy to grow in large containers and adapt well to a variety of well-drained soil types. Lemon trees are a native of India and are the most cold-sensitive citrus variety, according to Texas A&M University Extension. Growing trees in containers gives you the advantage of moving the plant to a warmer spot in case of unforeseen weather changes. If planted in the right pot and supplied with proper care, the tree can live in the same container for several years without the need of repotting, advises Don Burke in "The Complete Burke's Backyard."

Things You'll Need

  • Large pot
  • Potting soil
  • Clean sand
  • Peat
  • Pine bark
  • Fork
  • Slow-release fertilizer
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      Select a pot that is 15 inches wide and equally deep for planting a young lemon tree. Make sure the pot has adequate holes at the bottom for drainage. You may choose any material for the container, including metal, plastic or ceramic.

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      Fill the pot partially with a good quality potting soil, preferably one that is specifically formulated for roses or citrus. You can also prepare your own potting soil by mixing together equal parts of peat, pine bark and clean sand.

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      Remove the tree from its container by tapping it out gently. Using sharp scissors, trim off one-third of the root system.

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      Tease the roots out gently from the sides of the rootball with a fork. This helps to stimulate new root growth and get rid of some of the old potting soil.

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      Place the tree in the pot, making sure that you plant it at the same depth at which it was growing in the old container. Make sure that the tree is centered in the pot. As a general rule, the top of the rootball should be 4 inches below the rim of the pot. Water well to allow the roots to settle in the new growing medium.

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      Water trees regularly and keep soil moist without getting it overly wet. Apply a slow-release fertilizer to avoid burning the roots.