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How to Grow Roses From Pruning Stems

Roses (Rosa spp.) are a large family of flowering evergreen and deciduous plants that grow in various forms including small trees, vines, ground covers and shrubs. Roses are among the most recognized and most widely grown flower across the world. You can easily multiply the number of rose plants in your garden by propagating the stems that you prune. These are referred to as cuttings that can be turned into new plants with a few simple steps.

Things You'll Need

  • Small pot
  • Potting soil
  • Rooting hormone
  • Plastic cup
  • Sharp scissors
  • Pencil
  • Plastic bag
  • Chopstick
  • Rubber band
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      Fill a small pot with a well-draining potting soil to plant the cuttings. Pour about an inch of powdered rooting hormone into a plastic cup.

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      Measure and cut 6 to 8 inches from the tip of stems that have just finished blooming. Use sharp scissors and make your cuts at 45-degrees angles. Take about six cuttings as not all cuttings are likely to produce roots. Take the cuttings from the rose plant at any time of the year, though the recommended time is between November and February.

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      Remove all spent flowers from the cutting tips. Remove all foliage from the lower half of each cutting.

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      Create planting holes in the rooting medium by inserting a pencil about 2 inches deep into the medium. Dip the base of each cutting into the rooting hormone. Plant immediately in individual planting holes.

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      Firm the soil around the cuttings and water well. Place the entire pot in a clear plastic bag. Stick a chopstick in the soil to keep the bag from falling down. Close the top with a rubber band to create a miniature greenhouse. Place in a warm, bright area out of direct sunlight.

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      Remove the pot every three to four days and water enough to keep the rooting medium moist. Cuttings generally root within a few weeks. Let plants get established before transplanting to a permanent spot in the garden.

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      Plant in a moist, well-drained, fertile ground in an area that receives sunlight for at least half a day.