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How to Propagate a Weeping Cherry From a Cutting

Weeping cherry or weeping higan cherry (Prunus sibhertella Pendula) is an ornamental cherry variety native to Japan. The deciduous tree has a mature height of 20 to 30 feet with pendulous branches and early blooming, light pink flowers.The usual manner of propagating the tree in nurseries is by grafting a weeping cherry scion onto the rootstock of a cultivar that has a rapid growth rate. You may try propagating the tree by planting semi-hardwood cuttings, but using that technique for cherry trees in general is considered very difficult. The challenge is likely to be greater for weeping higan cherry.

Things You'll Need

  • Sharp scissors
  • Small pot
  • Medium-size container
  • Peat
  • Perlite
  • Sand
  • Potting soil
  • Pencil
  • Rooting hormone
  • Plastic cup
  • Chopstick
  • Clear plastic bag
  • Rubber band
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    • 1

      Fill a small pot with equal amounts of sand, perlite and peat. You may also use fine gravel as a rooting medium.

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      Pour about an inch of rooting hormone into a plastic cup. The use of rooting hormone is not necessary, but it is recommended to aid the production of roots.

    • 3

      Cut semi-hardwood or semi-ripe sections from the tree. Each cutting should be 4 to 8 inches long and should be taken from the current year's growth that has developed a woody base. The best time to take semi-hardwood cuttings is between late summer and the middle of fall.

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      Measure cuttings from the stem tip and use sharp scissors to make clean cuts. Remove all leaves from the lower half of the cuttings. Leave a couple of leaves at the top, as these continue to naturally produce a substance that helps with rooting.

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      Insert a pencil to a depth of 2 inches to create planting holes in the rooting medium. Dip the base of each cutting into the rooting hormone and place the cuttings in individual planting holes. Firm the soil around the cuttings and water it well.

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      Place the entire pot in a large, clear plastic bag and stick a chopstick in the rooting medium to keep the bag from collapsing on the cuttings. Close the top with a rubber band to create a greenhouse effect. Place the container in a warm, bright area out of direct sunlight.

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      Open the bag every three or four days and add just enough water to keep the rooting medium moist. Close the bag after watering. It usually takes a few weeks for the cuttings to root.

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      Transfer rooted cuttings into individual medium-size containers filled with a well-draining potting soil. Let plants become well-established before transplanting them to a permanent spot in the garden.