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What Fertilizer Is Used on Queen Palms?

Queen palm (Syagrus romanzoffiana) is a native of South America and was formerly known as Cocos plumose. Another common name for queen palm is Arecastrum romansoffianum. The tree is easily propagated with seed that takes 3 to 4 months to germinate. Queen palm gives best effect when planting in groupings rather than singly. The tree has specific nutrient requirements supplemented with the right fertilizer.
  1. Soil Requirement

    • Queen palm tree grows best in an acidic soil and tends to suffer in alkaline soils, cites Edward F. Gilman in "Trees for Urban and Suburban Landscapes" (1997). Trees that are growing in alkaline soils get deficient in micronutrients such as iron, potassium and manganese. These deficiencies are characterized by discoloration of foliage and poor growth.


    • Fertilize the queen palm trees with fertilizer that contains iron, potassium and manganese on a regular basis. Recommended time for application of fertilizer is during spring and summer. Using fertilizers especially formulated for palm trees ensures that the tree is receiving all required nutrients.


    • Fertilize queen palm with manganese sulfhate to reduce symptoms associated with manganese deficiency. The Floridata website recommends using 1 to 3 lbs. of manganese per tree. Increase this amount for larger trees. Spread the nutrients evenly under the tree, and water it well. Do not confuse manganese with magnesium, which is a secondary nutrient. Even though manganese may be present in soil, higher soil acidity makes plants unable to utilize it as required.


    • Queen palm trees that are deficient in essential micronutrients start to lose color. A premature yellowing is especially evident in the lower fronds. This yellowing is usually caused by potassium deficiency. Manganese-deficient palms are likely to develop frizzle top where the new leaves have a distinct frizzled look. The leaves affected appear to be torn and frayed. Fertilize queen palm regularly and grow in fertile, sandy soils to reduce symptoms.