Home Garden

Moles and Crickets in the Lawn

Moles are insect-eating mammals that live in underground burrows in lawns. As they dig through the lawns for insects, the pests create a network of tunnels. The animals are frequently mistaken for mice. Crickets are insects from the grasshopper and katykid family and are mostly active at night.
  1. Description

    • Adult moles are 6- to 8-inches-long and weigh 3 to 6 ounces. The females produce one to six young every year. The animals have paddle-like, large front feet with toenails, short necks and strong legs. The elongated heads have no external ears and very small eyes. The gestation period lasts four to six weeks, and the babies are born in spring.

      Crickets are very much like grasshoppers but with very long antennae and large hind legs. Females have sword-like protrusions located at the tip of the abdomen that grow backwards. Males produce a chirping noise by rubbing their wings together.


    • Moles are rarely seen above ground, as they create their tunnels underground. Their feeding damages plant and grass roots. Mounds of soil in lawn indicate animal presence. Mole tunnels create opportunity for other small pests and mammals to enter the lawn.

      Crickets feed on plant debris and a variety of plants in the landscape. The pests feed frequently on fabric, including wool, if they manage to get inside the house.

    Mole Control

    • Reducing the level of moisture in the soil helps to discourage moles from digging in the lawn. Control insects such as grubs in the grass, and this will automatically help to reduce moles as they primarily feed on lawn grubs. Recommended insecticides for white grubs include the use of diazinon at the rate of 40 pounds per acre on lawns. Use registered repellants and fumigants for moles. Widely used products include those containing castor oil.

    Cricket Control

    • Crickets thrive in moist, tall grasses and weeds and debris. To reduce a pest population, keep weed and tall grasses mowed low and reduce other favorable habitats such as piles of debris. Keep garbage cans on wooden blocks and away from entrances to minimize pest entrance into homes. Insecticidal control options include the use of propoxur, permethrin or chlorpyrifos.