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Can Wheat Grass Be Cut Twice?

Wheatgrass's many health benefits include doses of vitamins A, B, C and E, as well as calcium and mineral salts, notes health author Ann Wigmore. Growing your own wheatgrass and juicing it provides a dietary supplement as well as an enjoyable hobby. The wheatgrass community disagrees on whether you can or should cut the grass twice. Make a personal decision or experiment with both sides of the cutting coin.
  1. Significance

    • Natural health author Ann Wigmore believes that you can cut wheatgrass two times, provided you make the cut at the right time. Cut wheatgrass before it grows to 7 inches tall and enters the "jointing" stage. If you do this, the grass will regrow. If you cut after the grass is 7 inches tall it will not regrow.


    • Many authors disagree with Wigmore's claim about cutting wheatgrass twice. After the initial flush of growth, the grass regrowth can be patchy and uneven. Additionally, the wheatgrass grown from the second flush can have fewer nutrients than the first round of grass harvested. For these reasons, they prefer to cut the wheatgrass only once.


    • Mold is a large consideration for wheatgrass growers. Wheatgrass mold may look like small black dots or white cottony bits. If you do decide to grow wheatgrass and cut it twice, watch out for mold; it is more likely to affect the second flush of growth, notes wheatgrass provider Pamela Free. If your grass does develop mold, there are natural remedies available that use grapefruit seed to kill the mold. Apply the natural remedy following the instructions to kill mold.

    Cutting and Storing

    • Cut wheat grass when it reaches 7 inches in height, using a sharp knife or scissors. If you decide to regrow, leave your wheatgrass alone; otherwise, compost the roots and soil. Cut wheatgrass keeps in the refrigerator for one week after cutting. Store wheatgrass in a sealable plastic bag or plastic container to keep out air. You can also juice your wheatgrass and freeze what you cannot drink.