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How to Maximize Mint Growing Conditions

Mint can be one of the easiest herbs to grow. However, even though mint is prone to spread quickly and thrive, it's a plant that can also get weedy and unattractive. Creating the ideal growing conditions for your mint will ensure that it looks its best.

Things You'll Need

  • Soil test kit
  • Compost
  • Compost tea


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      Check the light. Though mint can grow in almost any light condition, it will be healthiest in full sun to partial shade.

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      Test your soil. Mint grows best in a soil of with a pH of 6.5. You can obtain a self-test kit at your local garden center. Follow the simple directions on the package to test your soil and get results quickly.

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      Adjust your soil pH if necessary. To increase the pH, which decreases the acidity of the soil, add pulverized lime or wood ashes. To decrease the pH, use products containing aluminum sulfate or sulfur. These products can be found at a garden center.

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      Ensure your garden soil is rich in organic matter. Spade compost into the mint bed, and top dress with compost or use compost tea on a regular basis. Mint prefers rich, well-drained soil.

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      Water regularly. Though mint is drought-tolerant, it is a good idea to water it regularly to ensure healthy growth of your mint.

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      Harvest your mint garden on a regular basis. The more you cut your mint, the thicker it will become. A regular harvest will encourage the mint to grow bushier and decrease its tendency towards weediness.