Home Garden

Description of a Mint Plant

The mint plant is a perennial herb that has been used for many centuries. Ancient Greeks and Romans would scent their baths with mint because of its fresh aroma. The colonists brought mint to the United States for its culinary uses, and the Japanese value the plant for its medicinal properties.

  1. Plant Description

    • According to theepicentre.com, there are over 40 different varieties of the mint plant, with spearmint, peppermint and pennyroyal being the most common. Spearmint grows as high as 2 to 3 feet tall with green, pointed leaves and clusters of small blue or purple flowers. Peppermint grows up to 3 feet tall with spikes of mauve flowers and crinkled, red leaves. Pennyroyal is a smaller plant with pink flowers and oval leaves. Both spearmint and peppermint emit a fresh, sweet aroma, while pennyroyal is very pungent and medicinal.

    Mint Disease

    • Mint plants are susceptible to rust disease. Rust is a fungus that develops inside the plant and shows up as orange spots on the lower foliage and stems. Applying herbicides or cutting the leaves will not rid the plant of the disease. The best treatment is to dig up and destroy the infected plants. New mint seeds can be planted in another location away from the infected soil.


    • Mint plants thrive in rich, moist soil and prefer sunny areas. Mint is the type of plant that will take over the entire bed, so it is usually confined to plant containers. The plants are watered regularly to keep the soil moist. Once the plant is in full bloom, the mint leaves are cut by hand. The leaves can be used either dried or fresh. Dried mint leaves are hung together in bunches near a warm, airy place. Fresh leaves can be used immediately or stored briefly in the refrigerator.

    Culinary Uses

    • In cooking, spearmint is used in grilled meats, stuffed vegetables and rice. Dried mint leaves are sprinkled over hummus while fresh mint sprigs are used in such beverages as tea and mint julep. Peppermint is more commonly used in sweets adding a fresh taste to ice creams, sorbets and chewing gums. Peppermint also adds flavor to beverages, such as hot chocolate, tea and crème de menthe liqueur. Pennyroyal is rarely used in cooking.

    Medicinal Uses

    • An infusion of spearmint or peppermint tea can be given as a natural remedy for the common cold and flu. The infusion is prepared by pouring a pint of boiling water on one ounce of dried herb. Individuals can either drink the infusion or inhale the aroma. In the past, pennyroyal had been used as a natural remedy for various aliments. Today, it is considered toxic. Even in small amounts, the herb has been associated with harmful adverse effects, such as seizures, loss of consciousness and death.