Home Garden

Mint Plant Problems

Mint is a perennial plant that is popular among home gardeners for making tea and other purposes. It is cultivated by farmers and the plant's oil is used for products such as candy, soap, tea, chewing gum and toothpaste. Mint is easy to grow but susceptible to diseases and pests.

  1. Fungal Diseases

    • Fungal diseases are a serious threat to mint plants. They discolor and distort leaves, stunt plant growth and reduce oil production. Fungal disease infestations can lead to complete defoliation. Common fungal diseases of mint plants include verticillium wilt, mint stolon decay, mint rust and mint anthracnose. Fungal diseases are controlled with fungicides.


    • Some nematodes and insects feed on mint. The root lesion nematode feeds on the plant roots. Injuries to plants from insects range from root damage to defoliation. Insects that feed on mint include the variegated cutworm, the mint flea beetle, the mite species floridotarsonemus, the twospotted spider mite and mint aphids.


    • Weed growth is a major problem for mint growers. If weeds are allowed to get out of control they compete with the mint plants for resources and can affect the quality of mint oil. Weeds are controlled by crop rotation and herbicides.