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How to Sprout Whole Chia Seeds

Salvia hispanica, commonly known as the chia plant, has a long history of use as a food and for medicinal purposes. It was particularly useful and held in high regard by the Aztec culture in ancient Mexico. Many people today also eat chia and take advantage of its high content of protein, omega-3 oils and antioxidants. You can have your own sustainable supply of chia by growing it from seed.

Things You'll Need

  • Water
  • Chia seeds
  • Shallow baking pan
  • Spray bottle
  • Plastic wrap


    • 1

      Spread dry seeds on the bottom of the baking pan.

    • 2

      Spray the seeds until well-soaked by misting them with a spray bottle.

    • 3

      Cover the seeds with some plastic wrap to create a mini terrarium.

    • 4

      Place the planter in a location that gets little light and stays steady at around 70 degrees Fahrenheit. Check the seeds daily and spray them as necessary to keep them moist.

    • 5

      Move the baking pan to an area with full light once the seeds have sprouted. You will need to provide more water for them once they are moved.