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There Are Dark Bugs on My Hibiscus Tree

Hibiscus (Hibiscus spp.) are perennial and annual trees or shrubs grown for their large, funnel shaped blooms in shades of yellow, red, white or pink. The evergreen or deciduous plants require regular irrigation and thrive in full sun. Dark colored bugs are often seen on hibiscus trees.

  1. Identification

    • Hibiscus trees are prone to infestation from the fuller rose beetle. The brown to dark gray beetles have snouts and do not fly. The pests have distinct bulging eyes. The beetle larvae are yellow in color.


    • Fuller rose beetle larvae feed on the roots of infested plants. Plants with heavily damaged roots are likely to die during periods of drought stress. Damaged roots are prone to fungal infections. The adult beetles inflict the most damage as they feed on the foliage and flowers, often clipping leaves off the stem entirely. Feeding creates ragged blooms and leaves.


    • Keep plants in good health so that they can resist damage. Trim branches that create bridges to other landscape plants. Use sticky bands around trunks to capture beetles.