Home Garden

What Would Cause My Tomato Plant Leaves to Turn?

Tomatoes are a native of Central and South America and are among the most popular home garden vegetables, according to the Ohio State University Extension. The warm-season vegetable thrives in well-drained, fertile soil. A viral infection causes tomato foliage to curl and turn.

  1. Identification

    • Tomato plants are susceptible to curly top disease caused by the beet curly top virus, BCTV. The virus is transmitted by the beet leafhopper. Infected plants start to display symptoms within 7 to 14 days.


    • The disease causes stunted and dwarfed foliage growth accompanied with crinkling. Foliage starts to turn inward or cup outward. Leaf veins on foliage undersides develop a purple color and a rough texture. Plant roots are stunted, and cross sectional cuts in stems show dark rings of discoloration.


    • There is no control for the virus or the insect that transmits it. Infected plants are best removed entirely. Creating a less hospitable environment for the pest is cited as the best management strategy by the Oklahoma State University Extension. Avoid planting in open areas as these plants are more susceptible to infection.