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Brown Spots on My Dracaena

Dracaenas are widely grown indoors and outdoors and come in nearly 40 varieties. The plants grow in different forms and sizes and adapt to a range of growing conditions. A plant disorder causes brown spots to appear on plants.

  1. Identification

    • Dracaena plants are susceptible to a condition called oedema. This is caused when plant roots start to absorb more water than the plant is able to use, transpire or evaporate. This excessive water collects in cells and enlarges them beyond capacity much like swollen blisters.


    • Initial symptoms of the disorder appear in the form of small, cork-like blisters on foliage undersides. As the problem progresses, spots turn white to tan in color and develop a wart-like, hard texture. In severe cases, the spots also spread to stems and petioles. If not controlled in time, oedema eventually causes yellowing and leaf drop.


    • Avoid growing plants in areas of high humidity and low light as these contribute to the development of problem. Also avoid excessive watering, especially in winter. You can also minimize chances of disorder by spacing plants adequately and improving ventilation.