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Why Is My Coffee Tree Dropping Leaves?

Coffee tree (Coffea arabica) is native to Ethiopia and Yemen. The 5- to 6-foot-tall tree, which has an upright growth habit, produces fruit all through the year and adapts well to shade. A number of disorders could cause the tree to lose foliage.

  1. Fungal Disorder

    • Coffee tree is susceptible to cercospora leaf spots and berry blotch of coffee caused by Cercospora coffeicola. The fungus affects all plants areas including fruit. Leaves develop round spots with tan, white or brown centers and dark maroon to black borders. A yellow-shaded halo surrounds the spots. Affected leaves start to fall prematurely.


    • Mealybugs are a frequent problem in coffee trees. The pests are 1/8 inch long and their flat, oval bodies are coated in a powdery, waxy substance. Mealybugs feed on plant sap from tender plant areas. Damaged foliage becomes distorted, discolored and stunted and starts to drop.

    Nutrient Deficiency

    • A deficiency of phosphorus in coffee trees causes defoliation. Phosphorus is important for flower development and fruit set. Foliage of phosphorus-deficient trees develops light yellow, purple-tinged patches. Younger foliage is darker in color and tends to hang downward. Leaves eventually start to drop.