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How to Grow Purslane Indoors

Purslane has come into fashion in recent years in North America with the realization that its leaves can be eaten as a source of omega-3, dietary fiber and vitamin C. It has been prized as a healing herb in parts of Asia and Europe for much longer. Purslane is a hardy annual that can be grown indoors year-round. They are also popular as indoor plants for their flowers, which bloom in summer and fall. The leaves can be used in soups and salads and are particularly popular in Greek dishes.

Things You'll Need

  • Purslane seeds
  • Soil
  • Plastic bag
  • Planting pot
  • Water


    • 1

      Purchase purslane seeds, either at a garden supply store or through the Internet if you cannot find them there. You can also collect seeds from wild purslane if it grows in your area, which is likely. The seeds are in black pods on the plant.

    • 2

      Place the seeds with a bit of soil in a plastic bag and put the bag containing the soil and seeds in the refrigerator. Leave the bag in the refrigerator for 15 days.

    • 3

      Remove the bag from the refrigerator and place in the sun at or just above average room temperature (ideally between 70 and 86 degrees F) until germination, which should take anywhere from one to three weeks.

    • 4

      Place the germinated seeds in a pot filled with rich soil. The sprouts should be coming out of the soil, but the remnants of the seed and the small roots should be covered.

    • 5

      Water the soil so that it is moist. Do not over water to the point where the soil becomes soggy.

    • 6

      Place the plant in a sunny location. Purslane requires a lot of sun. Also make sure to keep the soil watered, without over watering.