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Lowbush Blueberry Seeds

Lowbush blueberries (Vaccinium angustifolium) are a native of northeastern United States. The blue-black, half-inch fruit grows on deciduous shrubs with an open growth habit up to 2 feet tall. Lowbush blueberry seeds come in different varieties and thrive in highly acidic soil.

  1. Michigan Low Bush

    • Michigan low bush blueberry seeds (Vaccinium pensylvanicum) are commonly grown as a ground cover. The plants have a mature height of up to 2 feet and are hardy in USDA Plant Hardiness Zones 4 to 8. The blueberry plants spread with stolons.

    Top Hat

    • Top hat blueberries also belong to the lowbush blueberry group. The plants grow to a full height of about 2 feet with distinct curving branches. Top hat seeds are often planted in pots and as an ornamental feature in a garden. The blueberries are sweet and medium sized. The plants are hardy in zones 5 to 8.


    • Bilberry lowbush blueberry seeds (Vaccinium myrtillis) are native to Europe. The 1 ½ to 2 feet tall plants are wide spreading with underground stolons. Both the fruit and foliage of the plants are edible. The oval, dark green foliage assumes yellow shades during fall. You can grow bilberry lowbush blueberries in zones 5 to 8.