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Trimec Herbicide for Thistles

Thistles are biennial or perennial weeds that often require the use of herbicides to bring under control. Perennial thistles are harder to control, because they spread with underground rhizomes. Trimec, a registered trademark of the PBI/Gordon Corporation, is a recommended herbicidal control options for thistles.

  1. Active Ingredients

    • The active ingredients in Trimec include dimethylamine salt of propionic acid, dimethylamine salt of 2,4-D, and dimethylamine salt of dicamba.


    • Trimec is a controlled herbicide that is not recommended for use by homeowners. The chemical is sold only to professional landscapers, and can be used only by commercial applicators, as indicated on the label of the herbicide.

    Recommended Use Time

    • The best time to use herbicides to control thistle is when the weeds are in their active growth stage. Herbicides are most effective during spring and fall, with air temperature ranging between 60 and 85 degrees Fahrenheit. Eliminating thistle as soon as they appear reduces chances of the weeds spreading through seed production.