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Treatment for a Grass Rust Fungi

The fungi causing rust diseases on grass belong to the Puccinia and Uromyces group. All turfgrass species are prone to the infection. Control the disease with good management practices. Your treatment strategy can also include appropriate fungicides.

  1. Treatment

    • The University of California Extension lists several fungicides for the treatment of rust on grass. These include mancozeb, myclobutanil, azoxystrobin, chlorothalonil and thiophanate-methyl. All chemicals are available under a variety of different trade names.


    • The Purdue Cooperative Extension recommends the use of rust fungicides when cultural management fails to control symptoms. In most cases, single application of fungicide is sufficient to control disease. Symptoms include the appearance of yellow colored lesions filled with fungal spores on grass blades. Lesions gradually enlarge and break to release yellow to orange, powdery spores.

    Cultural Management

    • Water grass in during the early part of the day because grass exposed to dew or moisture for extended 10 to 12 hour periods is highly prone to infection. Also, lawns that are deficient in nitrogen are likely to get infected more than grass fertilized with adequate levels of nitrogen. Mow lawns regularly and remove clippings.