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What Temperature Kills Rye Grass?

Ryegrasses (Lolium spp.) are bunch type grasses native to Asia and Europe. There are about 12 different perennial and annual varieties of the grass around the world of which Italian ryegrass and perennial ryegrass are most used in the United States. Ryegrass has specific cultural requirements and die at a certain temperature.

  1. Temperature Tolerance

    • Ryegrass is a cool-season grass that goes dormant at about 86 degrees F. and starts to grow again at cooler temperatures of about 41 degrees F. with best growth between 68 to 77 degrees F., as cited by the Oregon State University Extension. Ryegrasses are killed by extremely cold winter temperature, as cited by Richard Duble of Texas A&M University Extension.


    • The grass is widely popular in transitional planting zones for overseeding warm season grasses to keep consistent color in lawns throughout the year. The dark green grass spreads with long tillers or stems. Ryegrass blooms in early spring and the seeds are mature by summer.

    Cultural Requirements

    • Ryegrasses grow best in regions with moderate climate and adapt to a variety of soil types, preferring fertile, moist and well-drained ground. The grasses are not very drought tolerant and require regular watering during dry weather. Ryegrasses perform best with regular fertilizing and mowing.