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Pre-Emergent Control of Bermuda Grass

Bermudagrass (Cynodon dactylon) is a widely used, warm-season lawn grass and livestock forage. The wiry perennial grass is also a highly invasive weed that spreads rapidly with above-ground stems or stolons and underground rhizomes. A number of pre-emergent herbicides are effective for the control of bermudagrass.

  1. Identification

    • The University of California Extension recommends the use of pendimethalin and oryzalin as pre-emergent herbicides for the control of bermudagrass. The chemicals are sold under different trade names.


    • Products containing pendimethalin are selective herbicides, effective both as pre-emergent or early post-emergent control for a number of annual grasses like bermudagrass and broadleaf weeds. Oryzalin herbicide also controls broadleaf weeds and annul grasses by retarding the germination of weed seeds.

    Use Recommendations

    • For optimal bermudagrass control with oryzalin and pendimethalin it is best to apply chemicals prior to the germination of seeds, as cited by the University of California Extension. The seeds of bermudagrass are hardy and likely to persist in the soil for up to two years. For continual management, use herbicides every year for two years.