Home Garden

Topsoil Required for a Yard

Topsoil is the highly fertile, uppermost layer of ground created over hundreds of years of climatic effect on organic matter and rock. An inch of topsoil take 500 years to build up naturally, according to the University of New Hampshire Extension. Topsoil is an optimal growing medium and often expensive to obtain. Requirements for topsoil vary with plants grown.

  1. Recommendations

    • "Moving the Earth" recommends a 4-inch-deep layer of topsoil for growing lawns. For flower beds, shrubs and other garden areas, use at least 8 inches of topsoil. Growing plants in less than minimal topsoil results in poor growth. Lawns growing on thin topsoils are susceptible to drought damage.


    • Topsoil is very rich in organic matter due to higher content of decomposed animals and plants. The porous soil structure provides for adequate transmission of water and air to plant roots. Since topsoil does not contain too much clay, there are fewer issues with compaction and layering.


    • Given the quality of topsoil, it is often an expensive and hard to obtain commodity. Using compost is cited as the best alternative to topsoil by the Penn State University Extension. You can add compost as a soil amendment to ground prior to planting or you can top dress garden areas with compost later.