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Pre-emergence Weed Control in Potted Plants

Pre-emergence herbicides help to control weeds in potted plants by retarding the germination of weed seeds. For effective weed management, apply herbicides in containers soon after planting, or right after you have removed any existing weeds from established container plants.

  1. Identification

    • The Ohio State University Extension recommends the use of a number of pre-emergence herbicides for potted plants. These include oxyflourfen and oxadiazon. All chemicals are sold under different trade names.


    • Products containing oxyfluorfen are contact herbicides that are most effective when used in daylight. The selective herbicide is sold in the form of granules and emulsifiable concentrate. Oxadiazon herbicide is also a selective herbicide that works both as a pre- or postemergence weed management. The product is available as an emulsifiable concentrate, granules or in flowable form.

    Target Weeds

    • Oxyfluorfen works as both pre- and postemergence weed control for some broadleaf and grassy weeds in potted plants. Herbicides with the active ingredient oxydiazon are effective on grasses that may sprout up in potted plants including crabgrass, goosegrass and Texas panicum. The chemical also manages broadleaved weeds such as filaree, carpetweed, lambsquarters and pigweed.