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How to Propagate Coconut Palms

The coconut palm tree (Cocos nucifera) is among the most useful trees, used both for its ornamental value and for its fruit. The tree grows to a mature height of 15 to 60 feet with a 15- to 25-foot spread. The oval, 6-to-12-inch-long, green or yellow fruit grows in bunches right beneath the crown. Coconut palm thrives in areas of full sun and in a fertile, well-drained soil. The tree is propagated by seed, which is the fruit and which takes a long time to germinate.

Things You'll Need

  • Fresh coconut
  • Large pot
  • Potting medium
  • Bucket


    • 1

      Select a coconut in which you can hear the water when you shake the nut. Do not remove the husk. Soak the nut in a bucket of water for about three days before planting.

    • 2

      Fill a 10-inch-deep and equally wide container with a good-quality, well-draining potting medium. Place the coconut in the soil with the pointed end downward and the part that was attached to the tree facing up.

    • 3

      Keep 1/3 of the nut above the soil level. Water the planted nut frequently enough to keep the soil moist. Do not over-water. Place the pot in a warm area with a consistent temperature of over 70 degrees F and ideally over 80 degrees F.

    • 4

      Grow directly in the garden by selecting a site with partial sun and well-drained soil. Dig a shallow hole and plant the coconut on its side, making sure that 2/3 of the nut is above soil level. Water nut well twice a week.